Peg is also late
Dear Meg,
Now I am the late one! 20, 13 and 15 page papers to write and all that- oh, I will be SO happy when this semester is over. I’ve barely even knit anything worth mentioning. Thanksgiving was fun, spent it in San Antonio with my sister and her husband; it was warm and fabulous. My parents are moving to Houston (!) in January and so I’ve been looking for a few good knit cotton sweaters/shirt patterns to make, since my big thick sweaters are not going to be of much use.
1. Are you seriously making a KNITTED and also FELTED Christmas wreath!? I must see this creation, and make one for me. One for every door in the house sounds perfect. I did not bother with knitting gifts this year, or even doing anything creative...maybe one stocking for my great aunt, but that’s only if I finish soon.
2. That cardigan will be gorgeous, and I can’t wait to see it all done. I know you will finish it.
3. Lucky, lucky you. I personally think that things made in the same yarn automatically match, and stockinette would be perfect for a beret- it would benefit from the sturdier fabric. As for design, I swear I saw something in a ‘hat’s book that was shaped like a hat- like the big cardboard kind?- that had some sort of beret.
I love the manly scarf idea, and dishcloths are a great present. Have you seen the ones in the Mason Dixon book? Insane. I really covet that book.
As for the DCE, you obviously need that lace mohair. I need some double points. Let’s go.
I have not been doing much besides schoolwork, with the occassionaly Grey’s break- meaning only about 1 hour (!) of knitting time a week. I did, however, finally finish at least the body of the sweater made from the yarn bought at DCOE.

It has a lace pattern at the hem that is pretty much impossible to photograph. I will probably add slightly bell sleeves with the same lace pattern, but not right now.

Also? Knitted dog and pup. There is a third one is in the making. Why? I'm going to go with, 'Because I can.' Also, our Star Wars tree is a thing of glory:

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