19 October 2006

Sorry such a long time posting, graduate school insanity blah blah blah. You have the Grey’s soundtrack! Awesome! I borrowed Kristi’s sister’s Fray CD and listen to it constantly.
Yay for wearing shawls out! That sounds so cute! I’m glad your mom actually wore it this time, instead of insisting it was too nice for wear. I wish you had your camera too; you need to stage another intergenerational shawl wearing evening out.
Oh, you are way being the bigger person with the crazy sweater lady (CSL)…how did you even ‘fix’ it? When the problem is CSL? Did that turn out? Her poor brother.
I love the purse idea, that would be AWESOME and I would make one for me. I made a hat out of Cascade 220 and I heart it, so much. A passport pocket would be perfect. It sounds so very classy and lovely- and of course I am thinking that a passport pocket would double handily for my school ID and laundry card.
Sadly enough, Knitty thought about my pattern for many weeks and got my hopes and and…no. It’s ‘not right for knitty.’ Oh well, I will try again some other time- or YOU can try with your handbag!
I finished the Blue Acrylic (I know, I know) Sweater, but I feel very ‘meh’ about it. I am now working on a top down raglan and the mehs are starting to set in. I need like a sock or purse or silly project in between these big sweaters. Maybe this star scarf? I am mildly obsessed with stars.
Okay, time for bed. I think you need to come over…either tomorrow or Saturday, and we can finally begin our LOTRathon. I made fudge. Bring your soundtrack. It’ll be a blast.

09 October 2006

Chasing Yarn


I got the Grey's Anatomy soundtracks!! "How to Save a Life" and "Chasing Cars" anyone? It's the big excitement of my life right now, as I have no knitting projects that simply have to be done. Icarus is pretty much the center of attention right now. What is with my complete shawl obsession?? It's really strange, I don't even wear them that much! Oh, there is one exciting bit of news on the shawl front. Saturday was my grandmother's 80th birthday and we went out to a really nice restaurant. My grandmother, mother and I all wore black dresses with shawls made by yours truly! Unfortunately, my charger for the camera that works is still MIA so I have no pictures to commemorate this life-changing event (life-changing in that my mother acknowledged that my obsessive yarn spending is actually useful once in a while). I didn't wear the Eiffel Wrap as mom said it looked more winter-ish and the one I decided to wear is reds and oranges (mohair, of course). I need a camera! Or my charger! Preferably both!

StS is fixed, and will be sent to the witch herself tomorrow. If she doesn't like it this time, I'm going to tell her to take her damn money and shove it. Mom said I should just fix it this time because I'm being the bigger person, and besides, she has to work with this woman's brother (who, by the way, knows how psychotic she is and has described her as being in permanent menopause mode). I'm going to try to forget about it and just hope she likes it (this is painful), but if it comes back again, I'm not going to be that much bigger of a person. It's not worth giving up my sanity for, wouldn't you agree?? Oh, and I like the pictures, they're very cute! I just want my camera!!!

I'm going to try designing a clutch pattern for just one skein of Cascade 220, which felts like a dream. I think using my 15 addi circulars would be the best for the job, because the felting will make it more stable, and it's a clutch. Therefore, it doesn't need to be able to hold massive books, it will only be designed for a cell phone, ID, lip gloss, credit cards, passport and cash. I want to give it a flap, with a massive button on the front for decoration, and to secure aforementioned items. When using this in foreign countries, it is not a wise idea to lose one's passport. Or, at this point in time, even show said passport if it says "United States of America" on the front in bright, shiny letters. Hmmm ... perhaps a special pocket for the passport would be a good idea, then just opening the clutch wouldn't subject an individual to hate, ridicule and ripping off of money in stores. This will take some careful consideration. I think, though, with a pocket like that, it would take more than one skein. I need to stock up on some Cascade 220 to explore this idea. In the future, they will work excellently as gifts for friends and family (and possibly one's boyfriend's family?) Just trying to think ahead ...

I think it's time to get some notecards/knitting/studying/reading done. Until next time ...

Love, meg

02 October 2006

Friday Knitting party

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Oh, Meg, your story about that lady with the chunky sweater makes me so angry. It is beyond stupid and very unjust. It’s really offensive when people insult your art like that, especially after the hours you put in. I just think some people don’t get it….you know, that making a sweater on large needles with large yarn might be a little thick? Grrr. It reminds me of people who want me to sew them a dress out of poly/cotton quilting fabric and expect it to look like silk. SHE picked out the materials; SHE should expect a chunky sweater.

Maybe some photos will make you feel better.
From Friday:

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Wee and Meg knit away. Have we introduced Wee? Wee is Peg's roommate, a jedi of the vertically challenged order (TM Teresa). We love Wee. Wee is an excellent and very prolific knitter.

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Meg and Peg, hard at work. Peg appears to be the living death because she just got lots of blood taken.

It was nice to randomly see you today. I apologize for my lack of skirt. Move in went well, everything is finally in place. I think we need to celebrate with a apartment warming knitting party- I am done my sleeves but need to join/make a kangaroo pocket.
