Sorry such a long time posting, graduate school insanity blah blah blah. You have the Grey’s soundtrack! Awesome! I borrowed Kristi’s sister’s Fray CD and listen to it constantly.
Yay for wearing shawls out! That sounds so cute! I’m glad your mom actually wore it this time, instead of insisting it was too nice for wear. I wish you had your camera too; you need to stage another intergenerational shawl wearing evening out.
Oh, you are way being the bigger person with the crazy sweater lady (CSL)…how did you even ‘fix’ it? When the problem is CSL? Did that turn out? Her poor brother.
I love the purse idea, that would be AWESOME and I would make one for me. I made a hat out of Cascade 220 and I heart it, so much. A passport pocket would be perfect. It sounds so very classy and lovely- and of course I am thinking that a passport pocket would double handily for my school ID and laundry card.
Sadly enough, Knitty thought about my pattern for many weeks and got my hopes and and…no. It’s ‘not right for knitty.’ Oh well, I will try again some other time- or YOU can try with your handbag!
I finished the Blue Acrylic (I know, I know) Sweater, but I feel very ‘meh’ about it. I am now working on a top down raglan and the mehs are starting to set in. I need like a sock or purse or silly project in between these big sweaters. Maybe this star scarf? I am mildly obsessed with stars.
Okay, time for bed. I think you need to come over…either tomorrow or Saturday, and we can finally begin our LOTRathon. I made fudge. Bring your soundtrack. It’ll be a blast.